If you read this page, maybe you live in Joyo (or around) and you are rising a child.
It is hard, that rising a child in foreign country, in another culture.
I hope I can help you.

About my care

Breastfeeding support : check up baby's weight, how to latch, and share your breastfeeding goals
Helping baby bath (Japanese style)


Basic charge
60minuts 5,000yen

Charge for house call

adjoining Joyo(Kyotonabe・Yahata・Kumiyama・Uji・Ujitawara・ide)¥500
adjoining next(Fushimi・Wazuka・Kizugawa・Seika)¥1,000
another areaconsult


Use LINE, contact form, Instagram or Facebook. 
Reservable time 9:00-17:00 Weekday

  • Please let me know your address and what time would you like.
  • We may ask you to change your reservation due to the influence of the reservation place before and after.
  • After checking your request, the midwife will reply and the reservation will be confirmed.

If you need a hand, please make a reservation.

Ayami Nasu / Midwife, SUKUSUKU Josanin